
GED Information from the State

Learning Express Library prep for GED

Check our COLLEGES AND CAREERS section for books on

  • Finding an getting into a college
  • Test preparation
  • Career Selection
  • Resume and Interviewing


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BrainFuse Online tutoring, homework help and practice tests

Mango Languages Learn a language

Peterson’s Test and Career Center

Universal Class
Over 500 online continuing education courses. Learn something new today!


ESL SERVICES IN NJ and Citizenship tests practice.

Literacy NJ

Mango Languages has English language classes.

Learning Express Library has practice Citizenship tests.



Kahn Academy - Learn almost anything for free. With a library of over 2,600 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 235 practice exercises, they're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

Open Yale Courses

Coursera - Take the world's best online courses, online, for free. Coursera offers 222 courses ranging from Analytic Combinatorics to Greek and Roman Mythology to Vaccines. Thirty-three partnered universities including Stanford, Georgia Tech, University of Pittsburgh, Columbia, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Princeton and Rutgers.

Udacity - Currently offers 22 courses most in some area of computer science or mathematics.

edX - A variety of courses including computer science, copyright, global policy and many more. Participating schools include Harvard, MIT, Georgetown, UC Berkeley and the University of Texas.



Find free online computer courses on our Computers page.