Library Resources
Reference Solutions by Data Axle (formerly RefUSA)
The ReferenceUSA database contains, in module format, detailed information on more than 14 million U.S. businesses. Other modules include Corp Tech and International Businesses.
Business Source Elite available through the EbscoHost database
Business Source Premier provides full-text coverage for nearly 1,100 business periodicals ranging from general magazines to trade publications and top management journals.
The New York Times available in library only - Click link to create a personal account using your email address and password of your choice.
Regional Business News available through EbscoHost
This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States, updated on a daily basis
The Wall Street Journal - available in library only
Web Sites
The Thomas Register Directory
ThomasNet, is the most comprehensive resource for finding information on suppliers of industrial products and services in North America.
The Library of Congress Business Reference Services:
A directory of general business topics selected and evaluated by the Library of Congress. From "accounting" to "women in business" and everything in-between, you will find a comprehensive list of business links.
U.S. Small Business Administration:
The Small Business Administration web page includes business plan templates, information on financing and grants, as well as links to individual state sites and other useful sources.
SCORE: Counselors to America's Small Business:
SCORE "Counselors to America's Small Business" is America's premier source of free and confidential small business advice for entrepreneurs. A resource partner of the SBA, SCORE offices are located throughout each state. SCORE can help your small business by answering tax questions, help you find funding and a lot more.
INVESTING, FINANCE & Being A SMART Consumer is the U.S. government's website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you are buying a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your 401(k), the resources on can help you maximize your financial decisions.
Consumer protection basics… plain and simple.
A fun site that has some great overviews of the stock market plus other financial and economic topics. Try the "Chimp-a-go-go" where you can click to learn something random everyday!
Big Charts:
Big Charts offers company and industry information, interactive charts and news services, and historical quotes (for non-defunct companies). This site also offers lists of the best and worst performing industries based on stock price percent changes. A great free resource for building comparative charts of stocks and indices.
Yahoo! Finance
Yahoo! Finance is a fairly straightforward site to turn to for easy-to-manipulate stock information, including historical coverage and the ability to compare across companies and/or indices.
Stock Info (some free)
Bloomberg provides financial news and data.
Individual exchanges and indices also have information on their sites. Here are some examples:
Standard & Poor's indices (some free)